5 Reasons Double Strollers Can Be A Beneficial Thing

5 Reasons Double Strollers Can Be A Beneficial Thing

Buying Guide For Double Strollers

If you have two children who are close in age A double stroller can be a valuable investment. These narrow tandem buggies or versatile side by side buggies will keep both children in the same place while navigating the grocery aisle and parks, as well as whatever else life can throw at you.


Comfort is a major factor to think about when purchasing a double-stroller. This can include both the seating arrangement and the overall dimensions of the stroller which impacts convenience and storage. Katie Billingsley, a child expert in child development from Fourth Trimester Postnatal Retreat, says parents should check the stroller's weight and folded dimensions. "They should also think about the recline options for seats, as well as the age ranges of their children to ensure it's the perfect fit."

A well-constructed double stroller will be durable enough to travel on different surfaces smoothly--from urban sidewalks to parks trails, and from infant car seats to toddler booster seats. It should also have flexible seating options for children of different age groups and comfort features like windows that can be opened and closed to shield children from sun or rain.

For a majority of families, a double stroller is likely to be used from birth and into the age of five, so it's crucial to consider the seating options. Billingsley says there are two main categories of in-line seating which has one seat in front of the other, and side-by-side with seats adjacent to one another. Some parents prefer the in-line option due to its sleek design and its versatility. Others like a wagon-style double stroller to maximize space for bulky or grocery items.

In-line models tend to have this kind of difference. Certain models may provide different recline options, with one seat being nearly flat, and the other remaining relatively upright. Billingsley suggests selecting a model with a near-flat recline as well as leg rest adjustments for both seats. This will ensure that both children lie down comfortably.

She also suggests that parents look for strollers with storage compartments so that they can quickly access their snacks, personal items and toys when moving about. She also suggests that it's useful to find the stroller that has an organizer console for parents or a parent bag that is attached to the handlebars. This will allow you to keep your essentials within reach.

Many of the top-rated double strollers can be expanded to allow parents to alter the configuration according to their family's requirements. For instance the Mockingbird Expandable is a highly-rated double stroller that can be used with just a single seat from birth, and later converted to tandem (with an additional seat and bassinet) as the child grows older.


Double strollers must be able to carry the weight of two people, plus any additional cargo. Strollers need to be easy to maneuver and push, particularly on rough terrain or in tight spaces. The best strollers feature ergonomic handlebars with adjustable heights to allow parents to maintain their good posture when pushing them. Another great feature is a non-rethread seat belt harness, which allows for a more comfortable adjustment of the belts for your child. Finally, a sturdy brake system and wheels that glide over any surface are important safety features.

Some parents prefer the side-by-side design so that both children can see each other on family outings. This arrangement can help prevent sibling fights over which child is allowed to sit in which spot however it's not foolproof. If the seats are set at different heights, one child could be capable of punching or kicking the other during a walk.

A tandem-style stroller is ideal option for parents with twins or siblings that are close in age. It lets them be able to see both children simultaneously. However, they can be larger than other double strollers, meaning they may not be able to fit through all doorways in the interior. For maximum flexibility, think about a single-to-double stroller which can switch from a single stroller to a tandem in a variety of ways, such as the well-known CYBEX Gazelle S. These models can accommodate a wide range of configurations, and allow you to click in infant car seats or cot attachments, depending on your needs.

Whether you choose a side-by-side or tandem-style stroller, make sure the product is JPMA-certified to meet stringent safety standards. Be sure to check the weight limits that apply to each seat, since exceeding them could result in frame fatigue or other issues.

While it's easy to focus on all the extra bells and whistles on a new stroller, it is crucial to keep in mind that a stroller is an infant carrier that will be transported for long durations of time. It should be comfortable for both the passengers and easy to clean and maintain, and ideally it should feature an intuitive, familiar design that the person pushing it can effortlessly maneuver it without having to think twice about how to move forward or turn left or right, or apply the brakes.

Easy to Use

For families who are constantly on the move, a double stroller must be able to navigate various terrains. Strollers with features such as windows that peek-a-boo, adjustable canopies and sturdy brake systems are essential to ensure the safety of your children. However, there are other factors that make them simpler to use. For example, a stroller must be small enough to fit in the trunk of your car but still provide ample storage space for food items and other things. It's also important to include thoughtful features, like the cup holder for one parent or consoles for parents, as well as a snack tray. These will help make traveling with two children much more enjoyable.

In our tests, we assessed each stroller according to its ability to perform on different terrains and its ability to maneuver in tight spaces. We also looked at how easy it was to fold the stroller and unfold it, and if a particular feature improved the overall functionality. For instance a stroller that has a harness that does not rethread makes the adjustment of the seat belts simple and easy. This can be a major selling point for parents on the go because it cuts down on time and eliminates the need to re-thread the harness.

The UPPAbaby Vista v2 Double scored highly in this metric, as it came with a variety of seating configurations as well as additional accessories to help accommodate growing families. The double-stroller that looks like a wagon expands to accommodate two seats, a bassinet or even a toddler's riding board. This is perfect for families who plan to spend a lot of time on the road with multiple children of various ages. It easily glides over cobblestones, pavements, and ball fields. It can also be folded flat to be stored in a trunk or closet. The design of this stroller is simple and intuitive and was a big hit with our test subject Kerry. The sleek packaging clear sections, well-marked sections and the user's guide made it simple to assemble this stroller.


Double strollers can hold twice as much as one single stroller So, make sure to look for plenty of storage space. You want a stroller with enough storage space to accommodate the essentials for both parents and children like bottles as well as snacks, toys and diapers. Look for baskets that fit under the seat as well as other pockets, and consider a stroller with an expanding cargo area that can hold heavy items such as lunch bags and diaper bags.

A good double stroller should have the ability to adapt as your family expands. For example, some models include an attachment for a bassinet that can accommodate infants, while others have child seats that can be adapted to your children until they're able to ride on the back of the stroller, Billingsley says. Some double strollers permit a rider's board that allows older children to take part in the fun.

You'll find a wide variety of double strollers in the market, from elegant, high-performance models that are able to handle rough terrain to budget-friendly models more suitable for use in the everyday. While shopping, read reviews and recommendations of families like yours to get a better idea of what you can expect from the double stroller you choose.

Double strollers are available in three different designs such as tandem, side-byside, and wagon-style. Side-by-side double strollers provide the most versatility and are ideal for twins or kids close to their age, Billingsley explains. Tandem double strollers on the contrary, have two seats that are arranged next to each other and facing opposite directions. It's a good option for kids who are the same age or for siblings who like to interact with one another. Tandem strollers are more difficult to maneuver in tight spaces, and are less likely to pass through doorways than their side-by-side counterparts.

Check out this top selection by Safety 1st if you prefer a wagon-style double stroller. Testers loved how this affordable model offers multiple seating configurations as well as the ability to snap in two infant car seats or a single child in an convertible toddler seat.  double tandem pushchair  appreciated the soft memory foam seats and the 50+ SPF canopy and foam-filled tires that will never go flat. When it's time for folding this model needs only just a few nudges on the straps under each seat (under the seats where kids sit) for folding.